Vapor Blasting and Blastox

Can You Use Blastox in Vapor Blasting Systems?

Various testing was performed using Blastox in a vapor blast system. A pre-test of the Blastox® material was performed by adding water with garnet into a bucket to see if it would harden. The material did NOT harden and seems to settle to the bottom.

Two (2), Five (5) gallon pails of blended abrasive was loaded into EcoQuip® skid system. Media was blasted using a #8 nozzle connected to a 50 ft. 1 1/4″ hose. Varying flow rates were tested. 10 cycles per minute of media consumption at 60psi up to 12 cycles per minute at 140psi.

vapor blasting


  1. Material should be cleaned out of vapor blasting pot before the end of every 8 hour shift and inspected.
  2. Follow operating procedures in the service manual for cleaning.

Conclusion:  With proper care and attention, Blastox blended abrasives can be used with most slurry/vapor blast systems.

If you are looking to use Blastox in a slurry or vapor blast system, please contact TDJ at 800-252-7869 for a review and specific recommendation on the type of unit proposed with Blastox.   Please also review Blastox Technical Bulletin 3, titled Blastox Storage & Application and Technical Bulletin 4, titled Management of Paint Waste for additional information on using Blastox with systems that incorporate water.